Four days of experiential learning on the beach including taking the Forest School ethos to the beach, risk benefit analysis, marine wildlife identification, understanding tides, shelter, games and activities. 

Four days of experiential learning on the beach including taking the Forest School ethos to the beach, risk benefit analysis, marine wildlife identification, understanding tides, shelter, games and activities. 

Lee on Solent Beach on the 3rd & 4th Aug and Hurst Spit, Milford on Sea on the 17th and 18th Aug 2021

Four days of experiential learning on the beach including taking the Forest School ethos to the beach, risk benefit analysis, marine wildlife identification, understanding tides, shelter, games and activities. 

Lee on Solent Beach on the 3rd & 4th Aug and Hurst Spit, Milford on Sea on the 17th and 18th Aug 2021

Four days of experiential learning on the beach including taking the Forest School ethos to the beach, risk benefit analysis, marine wildlife identification, understanding tides, shelter, games and activities. 

Lee on Solent Beach on the 3rd & 4th Aug and Hurst Spit, Milford on Sea on the 17th and 18th Aug 2021